State Management

Zustand is a powerful and efficient state management library for React that excels in simplicity, performance, and flexibility. However, it may not be the best choice for every project, especially those that require a more opinionated approach, extensive community support, or advanced debugging capabilities.


  • Simplicity

  • Performance

  • Small Bundle Size

  • Flexibility

  • Integration

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Support


  • Less Opinionated

  • Community and Ecosystem

  • Learning Curve for Complex Use Cases

  • Documentation and Resources

  • Debugging Tools

Recoil is a powerful state management library for React that offers a modern, flexible approach to managing complex state. It excels in fine-grained state updates, seamless integration with React, and support for asynchronous operations. However, developers should consider its smaller ecosystem, learning curve, and relative maturity when deciding if it’s the right fit for their project.


  • Seamless Integration with React

  • Fine-Grained State Management

  • Scalability

  • Asynchronous State Management

  • Minimal Boilerplate

  • Concurrent Mode Compatibility

  • Recoil DevTools


  • Smaller Ecosystem

  • Learning Curve

  • Stability and Maturity

  • Community Support

  • Bundle Size

  • Performance Overhead

Jotai offers a modern, simple, and efficient approach to state management in React applications with its atomic state model. Its minimalistic design and fine-grained reactivity make it a compelling choice for developers looking for a lightweight and flexible state management solution. However, its relative newness, limited ecosystem, and potential complexity in managing many atoms are factors to consider.


  • Simplicity and Minimal Boilerplate

  • Atomic State Management

  • React Integration

  • Derived State

  • Concurrency Support

  • Small Bundle Size

  • Flexibility


  • Relatively New

  • Learning Curve for Advanced Features

  • Limited Tooling and Middleware

  • Documentation and Resources

  • Potential Overhead with Many Atoms

  • Reactive Model Complexity

Redux is a powerful and mature state management library that excels in providing predictable and scalable state management, especially for large and complex applications. However, its verbosity, learning curve, and potential overhead make it less suitable for smaller projects or simpler state management needs.

You Might Not Need Redux by Dan Abramov (creator of Redux)


  • Predictable State Management

  • Single Source of Truth

  • Time-Travel Debugging

  • Middleware Support

  • Ecosystem and Community

  • Integration with React

  • Scalability


  • Boilerplate Code

  • Learning Curve

  • Verbosity

  • Overhead

  • Performance Considerations

  • Complexity in Large Applications

    • As the application grows, managing state and ensuring clean and maintainable code can become challenging. Splitting and organizing reducers and actions to avoid a monolithic store can add complexity.

MobX offers a powerful and intuitive way to manage state through reactivity, making it particularly suitable for applications that benefit from fine-grained state updates and minimal boilerplate. However, its implicit state tracking and less predictable state flow can pose challenges, particularly in complex applications. Developers should consider these factors alongside their specific project requirements and preferences when deciding whether MobX is the right state management solution for their needs.


  • Simplicity and Minimal Boilerplate

  • Reactivity

  • Performance

  • Flexibility

  • Ease of Learning

  • Computed Values and Actions

  • MobX DevTools


  • Less Predictability

  • Implicitness

  • Ecosystem and Community

  • Overhead of Learning Reactivity

  • Decorator Syntax

  • Potential for Overuse

Last updated